8 things all girls can learn from Blair Waldorf

Okay, so if you are any normal sort of girl (or lead a sad life binging on Netflix all day) you will know exactly who Blair Waldorf is. The Queen B of the Upper-East Side, this Gossip Girl certainly has taught us many things throughout the show….

1. Never let anyone get in the way of what you truly want

Blair is known for her cunning schemes and mischief in order to get exactly what she wants. Her actions may take things too far sometimes, but she taught us to have passion and persistence when it comes to striving for the things we want in life, even if it just a pair of new shoes or a boy.


2. The answer to life’s problems is Retail Therapy!!!

Quote from B herself, ‘Whoever said that money doesn’t buy happiness didn’t know where to shop’.


3. Everyone loves a bad boy…

Two words – Chuck Bass


4. Be fearless in everything you say and do and always speak your true feelings

Honesty is the best policy and all that… Even if it does come back and bite you in the ass in the future, expressing your true feelings and emotions goes a long way.

5. People don’t tell you who you are. You tell them!

The world will always be a judgmental and cruel place, but take it in your stride. You know who you are, who cares what others think.


6. Have a little faith, and if that doesn’t work, have a lot of vodka.

Things do not always go your way, but there is no need to panic. Let your hair down, get dressed up and let the drink sort things out!


7. When guys fail, your girls always have your back

Blair and Serena’s friendship had various ups and downs, but no matter what went on in B’s life, S was always there for her. Friendship really is a scared thing, boys may come and go but you will always have your friends.


8. Sometimes the best relationships are the ones you do not expect

Blair and Chuck’s relationship is a key example of this. Perhaps when you think something is completely wrong, it can turn out to be the only thing that is right in your life. Each person has a different love story, some more unconventional and crazy than others.


I never watched Gossip Girl when it was originally aired on TV, and began watching it on Netflix a few months ago. I immediately fell in love with the sassy and stylish Blair Waldorf. Through her hardships, heartbreaks and wildness, I learned a lot from the queen of the Upper East Side.

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